Happy Inauguration Day! Woke up this morning in frigid south Louisiana — big snowstorm predicted for tomorrow — to the news that Joe Biden had issued “preventive pardons” for Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley, and others who were likely to be held accountable by the new administration for things they did. And he even pre-emptively pardoned his siblings, at least some of whom are involved in dirty dealings with Ukraine and China! Think about it: as his last official act, this cretin pre-emptively indemnified his own family against potential crimes they might have committed!
The Democrats, man. A disgusting, disgraced party. “No one is above the law,” Biden told us. Well, guess what? This is right:
Well, yeah: Biden declared that the Equal Rights Amendment was ratified, through executive fiat. Nobody takes this seriously, but the fact that he tried it tells you something important. How on earth can pre-pardons be legal? What are the limits on it? Could Trump or any future president pardon any group — all black Americans, all the people of Alabama, all Ivy League graduates, whatever — for any crimes they might have done, but that nobody has ever charged them with? A conservative friend points out that this was already done when Ford pardoned Nixon. Damn.
A friend who emigrated to the US decades ago from a Communist country e-mails:
Preventive pardons. For what exactly? Now we can say with absolute certainty that we know everything about the “pandemic”, “vaccines”, gays and deviants in the military and the “insurrection”. How did this country become a lawless shithole? How? In any other country there would be guillotines clicking by now. The brave and free will bend over and ask for more. F**k it.
I hear that. I am very, very happy to see the backs of the Bidens, but boy, what does this reveal about our country and its system? On ABC News just now, Jonathan Karl mused grimly about the tech CEOs in DC for the Inauguration, saying that “the richest men in the country are here to pay homage to Donald Trump.” Like it’s somehow sinister that top American business leaders would want to be present at the Inauguration of an American president? Oh, I hope Trump gives people like those at ABC News unshirted hell. They deserve it.
Yesterday, Emily Yoffe at The Free Press reported on what is expected to be one of Trump’s first executive orders. Excerpt:
Toward the end of the 2024 presidential campaign, Donald Trump’s campaign released an unexpected ad, and one that was extremely politically effective. The tagline—“Kamala is for they/them. President Trump is for you.”—could go down in history as one of the most effective campaign slogans ever devised.
The ad reinforced a promise Trump repeated at rally after rally as he toured the swing states: If returned to office, he would immediately take on the gender ideology the Biden administration had embraced. Namely, he would end policies such as allowing males on women’s sports teams and in women’s locker rooms, and the housing of male prisoners who identify as transwomen in federal prisons for female offenders.
President Trump has addressed all this and more in an expansive executive order he will sign tomorrow afternoon called “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.”
Here is what the order sets out:
The Executive Order establishes Government-wide the biological reality of two sexes and clearly defines male and female.
All radical gender ideology guidance, communication, policies, and forms are removed.
Agencies will cease pretending that men can be women and women can be men when enforcing laws that protect against sex discrimination.
“Woman” means an “adult human female.”
The Executive Order directs that Government identification like passports and personnel records will reflect biological reality and not self-assessed gender identity.
The Executive Order ends the practice of housing men in women’s prisons and taxpayer funded “transition” for male prisoners.
The Executive Order ends the forced recitation of “preferred pronouns” and protects Americans’ First Amendment and statutory rights to recognize the biological and binary nature of sex.
This includes protection in the workplace and in federal funded entities like schools.
Asked why Trump is making sex-based policy a day one priority of his administration, an incoming senior administration official said, “This really was a defining issue of the campaign. The president is going to be fulfilling the promises he made on the trail.” The executive order puts it more bluntly: “Radical gender ideology has devastated biological truth and women’s safety and opportunity.”
May it be so, and hallelujah. Our long national nightmare might really be over. (And true for Hungary too, so persecuted by the Biden Administration, and Eurocrats.)
I take a little satisfaction in knowing that J.D. Vance’s launch into the national spotlight began with this 2016 interview I did with him in The American Conservative, where I worked at the time. It went mega-viral, and a week later, he was all over national media, and never looked back. Thank you, Lord, for that opportunity. There is no woman in DC today more beautiful than Usha Vance, who glows from within.
So, Trump’s speech. Surprisingly low-energy, though he picked up steam. Loved the content, of course — nothing unusual there — but he seemed really, really tired. Fantastic plain statements of his intent to get serious about migration, gang crime, and other issues Biden left undealt with. Ending government censorship! “Never again will the immense power of the state be used to persecute political opponents he said.” Go, Trump, go! The end of DEI. “We will forge a society that is color-blind and merit-based,” he said, on MLK Day! The end of transgenderism in government policy! Reinstating soldiers expelled for refusing the Covid vaccine “with back pay”! No more DEI and gender ideology in the military! Ending wars and not getting into new ones!
This is what we voted for, and he’s going to deliver!
Powerful that he spoke of his personal travails as “betrayal” of America by his political enemies, and said, of the failed assassination attempt, “I was saved by God to make America great again.”
Is Trump governing with divine purpose? I wouldn’t say that, but as a Christian, I hope so. We shall see. “From this moment on, America’s decline is over.” And: “From this moment on, our Golden Age has just begun.” From his lips to God’s ears! We are in a new world now. As a resident and partisan of Hungary, and a backer of European nationalist/sovereigntist political parties, I contemplate with deep pleasure the wailing and gnashing of teeth among the ruling classes in Brussels and Westminster.
The Nazis Of Gaza
Look at this video from the hostage release in Gaza over the weekend. The commentator says, “The scenes from Gaza are terrifying. I’ve never seen anything like this. Thousands of men consumed by hate trying to get to three innocent girls.”
It’s true. It is Nazi-level stuff. From another tweet:
Islamist Nazis, all of them. Remember this. Always remember this.
What Jake Barber Saw
You probably haven’t seen this, but this Ross Coulthart interview with former soldier Jake Barber, who claims to have been part of a UFO/UAP retrieval task force, is a must-see:
This videotaped moment — 13:35 in the report — purports to be the egg-shaped object that Barber says they recovered, dangling in a sling below the military helicopter piloted by Barber. Hey now!
I’m joking, because I’m a Gen Xer who is not going to miss an opportunity to make a nannoo-nannoo joke, but this report is very, very serious, and credible.
Here’s the most bizarre part about it: Barber talks about how when he piloted the helicopter, he had an overwhelming sense that the egg-shaped object made some sort of telepathic contact with him. He said that as he flew the object back, he felt like something was inside of him. “I was possessed by the most beautiful spirit,” he says, fighting back tears. He said it was “loving,” and that “it was a very feminine energy, I’ll tell you that. It felt like the spirit of God, but not in any masculine sense.”
“Whatever that force was that night, it has stayed with me,” he continues. “And as crazy as this sounds, it’s what’s guiding me now. And it’s what’s providing protection for me.”
Barber goes on to say, “There is a psychic component to the research and development of the UAP program.” That craft, he claims, was “summoned” by members of the government’s UAP team, using “psionics.” (Oh, Uncle Chuckie, where are you when we need you?!)
Barber says it is not going to be an “ontological shock” when people come to understand and accept what the truth is, but rather “ontological relief,” because people intuitively know that there is more to reality than what is immediately apparent. I TOLD YOU SO!
In the interview, it comes out that Barber got very sick, physically, from this encounter; he says all the other soldiers involved did too. Stanford immunlogist Garry Nolan, who is under CIA contract to examine military personnel who report medical problems after UAP encounters, reviews Barber’s medical records and validates the claim.
Barber goes on to talk about how his private team made up of former Special Forces vets summoned a UAP using someone who has the ability to contact them, and it went badly. This is on video. You who thought that the Chris Bledsoe material I posted the other day was fraudulent are going to need to come up with a dismissal story for this too. These egg-shaped craft look like the so-called tic-tac objects from military cameras, revealed years ago.
Coulthart characterizes Barber’s description of this phenomenon — the recovery of the craft and the psychic experience he had with them — “a transcendent, quasi-religious moment.” Believe him. I note that Barber’s characterization of the spirit that possessed him as “feminine” tracks with Bledsoe’s more elaborate claims. If you’ve read Living In Wonder, you will have seen this passage:
In her book Encounters, [Prof. Diana] Pasulka profiles “Simone,” a tech venture capitalist who regularly moves among global political, scientific, and cultural leaders. Simone believes that we are living in a time of apocalypse, of revelation, in which entities from another dimension, now manifesting as UFOs and aliens, are showing us the way to humanity’s great evolutionary leap. One means of that advance? AI, their technological gift to us.
You might think this is bonkers. They do not. Astrobiologist and former chief NASA historian Steven Dick speculates that what we think of as extraterrestrial aliens might actually be “postbiological” entities that have evolved into bodiless “artificial intelligence.” This theory implies that communication with these putative beings would likely not be through normal means. Dick bases his paradigm on the idea that cultural evolution—the evolution of intelligence—eventually outstrips biological evolution. As Dick sees it, the technology of such advanced races could seem to us supernatural.
Building on that hypothesis, some of the world’s top scientists and tech pioneers believe that extraterrestrial intelligences are passing technological information to us telepathically. Simone is one of these believers, and she teaches classes on how to open up oneself to receiving such messages. Though she believes that she has been channeling information from these entities all her life, Simone also believes that AI allows everyone to access the wisdom of these intelligences. It’s a kind of high-tech Ouija board.
Another elite channeler is someone Pasulka calls “Tyler D.” The man, whose identity has been persuasively revealed by internet sleuths, is a wealthy inventor and tech entrepreneur who used to work for NASA and the Department of Defense, with the highest level of intelligence clearance. Tyler, who also “downloads” information from these intelligences, credits them with transmitting knowledge he has used to create new biotech products that improved lives.
You can see why Pasulka experienced epistemological shock learning about the existence of these people. In an interview, she told me that humanity is witnessing the birth of “a new form of religion.”
“Here we see the convergence of two powerful modern developments: the belief in UFOs, now ratified by our own government, and the reality of a potentially self-aware human creation, AI,” she said. “This is a unique moment in human history, to put it lightly. We are witnessing a myth meet, or become, reality.”
“Tyler D.” has been widely identified as Tim Taylor.
This guy is offering to teach you how to establish psychic contact with the spiritual entity or entities that possessed Jake Barber. Again and again I say unto you: we really are watching the birth of a new religion — a religion that I believe is a false one that will ensnare millions.
Here is an essay by Matthew Halsted, an Anglican priest and philosophically trained Biblical scholar, arguing for why the churches must start paying more attention to the UFO/UAP phenomenon. Excerpt:
I know for a fact that people have experiences that don’t fit well within a materialist paradigm—I’ve had one myself. As I’ve shared my own story to friends and colleagues through the years, I discovered something surprising: many people I spoke with, including scholars, have had their own strange experiences. Apparently, extraordinary things happen to ordinary people.
Reports of such experiences can be traced back thousands of years. How strange it must have been for the shepherds to see non-human entities announce the birth of the Messiah (Luke 2:8–20). How odd for the Magi to see a strange light in the sky, leading them on a life-changing journey (Matt 2:1–2). Perhaps stranger still is the fact that we can read these timeless stories without realizing just how strange they actually are. Have we Christians become so familiar with the biblical stories that they have become less weird, less strange—and over time, more tame?
Note that the Barber story construes the egg-shaped object as sacramental — meaning, it is a material object through which spiritual forces emanate. Folks, attention must be paid. If what he says is true — and you have to ask yourself why a man of his experience and proven character would risk making himself a laughingstock to talk about these things — then we are dealing here with an essentially religious phenomenon. You will recall that Chris Bledsoe evangelizes for these entities, speaking with confidence about how “Hathor” — the Egyptian goddess he believes is contacting him via the UAPs he routinely summons — portrays herself as a manifestation of the “divine feminine” that is here to destroy evil patriarchal Biblical religion. Bledsoe’s son has deconverted from Christianity, and now presents himself as a disciple of Hathor.
Either these people are lunatics, or they are at the vanguard of a new religion, one that is intimately tied to technology. We had better prepare ourselves for a lot more of this kind of thing. We are living in a time of apocalypse, of unveiling. And as I keep saying, the institutions of Christianity are not remotely ready for this. Last week, I was texting with a Protestant pastor reader of Living In Wonder, and told him I get lots of pushback from Protestants on the metaphysics of the book. They might be religious believers, but they have surrendered to Cartesian dualism (that is, the mind-body split). He responded:
When I recommend your book to some of my Protestant friends that is exactly what I get. They like your political stand but get twitchy when you get too pre-Reformation.
Well, Christianity did not go from the Apostolic Age straight to the Reformation. There is about 1,400 years of Christian thought and experience between then. To my Protestant brothers, and to all Christians (because there are very few of us in the West who have not deeply absorbed the structures of modern thought, despite our official confessions), that long era of deep Christianity is precisely what we need to recover in order to understand this unfolding apocalypse.
That’s what Living In Wonder is about. Some reports say that once in office, Trump is going to be releasing a lot of official government information about UAPs. I think he will. Strap in, it’s about to get wild. Like a Catholic college prof told Marc Andreesen not long ago, medieval peasants would be better positioned psychologically to understand what’s happening now and what’s coming than modern people are. In the current film version of Nosferatu, it’s the Romanian peasants, as well as the Orthodox priests and nuns of Transylvania, who understand what the evil Count Orlok character truly is, not the educated modern bourgeois Protestants of Germany.
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